Estate Planning

Regardless of age, the moment you accumulate assets or have dependents, it becomes crucial to contemplate the fate of your estate. AS Wealth Advisors recognises the significance of effective estate planning in safeguarding your legacy and ensuring the well-being of your beneficiaries in the event of your passing.

Elements of an Effective Estate Plan:

  1. Tax-Effective Wills:

    • Crafted to protect your estate and the interests of your beneficiaries.

    • Designed to be tax-effective, optimising the distribution of assets.

  2. Comprehensive Considerations:

    • Wills:

      • Articulates your wishes regarding the distribution of your assets.

    • Superannuation:

      • Strategic planning to optimise the transfer of superannuation benefits.

    • Testamentary Trusts:

      • Legal structures providing flexibility and control over the distribution of assets.

    • Enduring Power of Attorney/Guardianships:

      • Vital components appointing trusted individuals to make financial and health decisions on your behalf if needed.

Expert Guidance for Your Unique Situation: While we are not legal practitioners, our team at AS Wealth Advisors is equipped to explain the functionalities of Wills, Superannuation, Testamentary Trusts, and Powers of Attorney/Guardianships. We collaborate with a strategic partner, a legal expert, to facilitate and provide specialised advice. Our role is to project manage this process, ensuring a seamless and comprehensive estate planning experience for you.

We understand that estate planning is a personalised journey, and we are committed to helping you navigate through these important considerations. Your peace of mind and the secure transfer of your legacy are at the forefront of our estate planning services.