
Superannuation is the primary means through which many Australians save for retirement, facilitated by the Government legislated Superannuation Guarantee (SG). As you approach and enter retirement, superannuation offers substantial tax advantages.

Key advisory areas include:

  1. Superannuation Retirement Lump Sum Modeling:
    Strategising for the accumulation of superannuation funds and modelling lump sum options for retirement.

  2. Superannuation Investment Option Analysis and Selection:
    Analysing and selecting optimal investment options within superannuation portfolios.

  3. Salary Sacrifice:
    Exploring and implementing salary sacrifice strategies to optimise contributions.

  4. Determining Likely Income at Retirement and Longevity of Funds:
    Assessing expected income at retirement and establishing the longevity of your funds.

  5. Implementing Strategies to Boost Superannuation:
    Developing and implementing effective strategies to enhance your superannuation savings.

At AS Wealth Advisors, we provide tailored advice in these critical areas, ensuring you make informed decisions for a secure and prosperous retirement.