Five ingredients of a great super fund

Reasons to check your super

If you stay with the default super fund provided by your employer there’s a chance you’ll miss out on thousands in super. 

It makes sense to take a close look at your current super fund and consider whether your money could be working harder elsewhere. If you still have many years to go until you retire, there could be a way to add thousands of dollars to your final balance.

Here are a few key areas to consider when you’re thinking about the best way to invest your super.

1. Types of investment

Most super funds invest in a mix of cash, fixed interest, property and shares. When you diversify by spreading your money across different asset classes you reduce the overall risk associated with investing your super. This means if one investment performs poorly over a period of time, other investments may perform better, minimising any potential losses.

The various elements are generally mixed in different ways to offer different levels of risk. They often have names like Conservative, Balanced and Growth and you can choose your mix to match your own risk appetite.

You also have a choice of what are known as single and multi-manager funds. A single manager fund is overseen by just one investment manager or trading advisor who may be an expert in particular asset classes. A multi-manager fund can deliver diversification by drawing on the expertise of a number of specialists.

Risk is important but, when you’re considering your mix of investment classes, there are other factors to consider such as:

  • your retirement planning goals

  • how much super you’d need to save for retirement to reach those goals

  • your age and how many years you have to invest

  • any other investments you have and the returns you can expect.

2. Performance

Small differences in the rate of return earned by your super investment can have a significant impact on your retirement savings.

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to predict performance – and there’s no guarantee that a fund which performed well in the past will continue to do so in the future. However, APRA, the superannuation industry’s regulator, has developed a Standard Risk Measure to help you compare the risk of investment options in a superannuation fund.

3. Insurance options

Most super funds include life insurance and many add total and permanent disability insurance and/or income protection also known as salary continuance. The premiums are deducted automatically from your super balance and can be lower than those outside super.

When you’re considering a new fund you should check what cover is provided, whether it’s enough for your needs and, if not, whether there’s an option to increase the level of cover. You should also check whether you can transfer your current level of cover. This is particularly important if you have a pre-existing medical condition.

You can check and compare the details by reading the product disclosure statement on each super fund’s website.

4. Portability

With some limited exceptions, super funds give you the option of moving your money into a fund of your choice. This gives you more control over your super and also gives you the opportunity to consolidate all of your super balances into one account so you’ll pay fewer fees and charges.

However, you may want to check whether there are costs involved or if you lose some benefits with exiting a fund or switching investment options within the fund before deciding on where to invest your super. Also, if you intend to claim a tax deduction for certain personal contributions made into your existing fund, it’s important to ensure your ‘Notice of intent to claim a deduction for personal contributions’ is made and acknowledged by that Trustee before you change funds.

5. Visibility

Whichever fund you choose, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on how your investment is performing as well as any fees or costs. By law, your super fund must send you regular statements with details including:

  • your balance at the start and end of the period

  • details of deposits from your employer and any other contributions you may have made

  • how much interest your investments have earned

  • level of insurance cover

  • any fees or costs.

Remember that visibility works both ways – it’s important to keep your fund up to date with your current contact details.

Source: NAB
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Andrew Ford
Marketing expert Andrew Ford, the founder of Social Star, has discovered the secret of ‘Powerful Branding’. With a fire for unleashing people’s inner brand and developing business models to generate profit from an individual’s passions, Andrew leverages ground-breaking digital and social media marketing techniques to create digital strategies for clients to attract maximum opportunities. Having established a strong name for himself in the field, Andrew blends traditional business techniques with now-necessary tools for entrepreneurs to achieve scale, quality, and influence in their niche. Andrew’s comprehensive business background and qualifications consist of a Bachelor of Business (Marketing) (RMIT 2003), a Graduate Certificate in Management (MBA Executive Program, University of Sydney 2005), and a Masters of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Swinburne University 2011). Continually on the cutting edge of his own education, Andrew has tested his marketing theories in forums such as the BCG Business Strategy Competition, which he won in 2005 against all Victorian MBA schools, and the Venture Cup Business Plan Competition (Swinburne University 2003), which he won in the Masters category. With experience working at Hewlett-Packard, Sensis (Telstra) and IBM, Andrew also has mentored dozens of junior staffs to help them achieve their professional goals. Meeting and influencing high-profile public figures helped Andrew to realise just how many professionals require more understanding and control of their public brands or appearance, and need help with the skills to use the many amazing free tools at their disposal to generate success. At Social Star, Andrew consults with clients to uncover their personal brand – both where it is today and where it can be tomorrow – and refine and define how that should be displayed in social media in order to attract their perfect target audience. Andrew mentors his clients to rapidly grow their business’ audiences, resulting in larger potential client bases and higher revenue. Applying formulas that integrate over twenty years of Andrew’s business experience and fifteen years of formal business education, Social Star specialises in building clarity and velocity for clients’ brands using the ‘Understand, Build and Leverage’ methodology. ‘Having a Personal Business enables people to have an authentic, congruent connection with their valued clients and partners, using their brand as the bridge,’ says Andrew. ‘I’m highly driven to work with the new breed of entrepreneurs and small business owners – people who have a passion for making the world a better place. Traditional business models are stepping aside as people follow their innermost dreams and my role is to see them operate within their values while creating wealth. Some people think you have to sacrifice what you love to be successful in your business, yet it is actually the opposite. Follow your passion and success will come.’ Lecturing at Swinburne University from 2009 to 2011 on brand dynamics and digital marketing, presenting at numerous conferences, and consulting to hundreds of clients, Andrew has seen his philosophy work that if you follow your unique path, based on your skills, experience, values and goals, you will automatically attract the opportunities you desire and achieve the success you deserve. Living his mantra, Andrew has created a successful business and attracts high-profile clients including musicians, athletes, authors, models, entrepreneurs, professionals and small business owners, helping them find their ‘why’ in their business and fulfilment in their lives. Business for Andrew is more than work, it’s personal. Running a personal business means that he is able to fulfil all of his values rather than separating his life from work. It supports his two boys while providing social opportunities, educational development, fitness opportunities, spiritual fulfilment and many valuable friendships. Social Star has now become the vehicle for Andrew to crystallise his mission in the world, to help people love what they do, supporting his ‘why’, that if more people loved what they did, the world would be a better place.

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